The equine internal medicine service at Vetscape under the supervision of our European board certified specialist (Dr. Pia Randleff-Rasmussen-Rasmussen) is committed to providing the gold standard of medical care to horses and foals from all walks of life. Internal medicine works with patients with diseases of many body systems, including: lung, upper airways, heart, liver, kidney and bladder, blood vessels, blood and bone marrow, stomach and intestines, brain and spinal cord, and endocrine glands. A wide variety of diseases can be addressed from sudden-onset critical illness to chronic conditions, and from congenital to autoimmune to infectious diseases.
We are fully equipped to diagnose and care for horses and foals with a wide range of symptoms, including weight loss, fever, respiratory signs, acute or chronic colic, diarrhoea, neurologic symptoms, and many others. We are also able to perform endoscopy of the airway, stomach, proximal small intestine, oesophagus, and urinary bladder, and have access to the very best radiographic and diagnostic ultrasound equipment.
Although we commonly consult with veterinarians and many of our cases are referred, no referral is needed to schedule an appointment with us.
To book an appointment, call 021 867 0700